Irish Employer

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During his 17 years of managing Quest Recruitment, the company has won awards in recognition of it’s ability to retain clients.

Case Studies

Case 1

A leading global bank and financial services provider who were seeking to expand upon a recently acquired Dublin based administrator approached Quest Recruitment for assistance in driving a large scale hiring initiative. In the course of 12 months, Quest Recruitment were directly responsible for 44 of a total of 52 hires in that period. Our relationship has continued to flourish with our client and had solidified Quest Recruitment as their preferred recruitment partner.

Case 2

A large, highly successful financial institution with offices in 40 countries globally and a workforce of almost 2000 strong in Ireland has been our client for many years. We have proven, consistently, to be their number one provider of both permanent and temporary staff with over 60 headcount placed in 2017 alone. In a highly contested and competitive market, Quest Recruitment have retained the position of “Top Supplier” reviewed quarterly for 13 quarters in a row.

Case 3

Quest Recruitment, in recognition of its superior service delivery, were invited as the only Irish representing agency to become one of a select few Pontoon Solutions Strategic Suppliers across Europe. In context, Pontoon Solutions partner with over 400 agencies in Europe, with just 14 selected to become Strategic Suppliers.


Quest is an avid recruitment partner to our business and has continued to be one of our top performers across all our financial service roles, if not the top performer! The consultants that I work closely with have continued professionalism, their work ethic is admirable and they are an absolute pleasure to deal with. 

Jennifer Reilly, State Street,

I have worked with Quest for over a year now (and the account has worked with them for longer). They are always professional, helpful and great to work with. Quest are able to provide candidates at levels of experience for different roles and are good to speak with for market intel when needed. I enjoy working with Quest and will continue to do so.

A leading MSP for a large global finance company,

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